根据以下内容写一段话.(英语)(用以下内容写我一天的生活)My day6;45 get up7:00 go to school4:30 exercise5:30 get home6:30 eat dinner7:30 do my homework10:00 go to bed(在时间的右边是相对应该做的事情)望各位哥哥姐姐帮我解答


My day
6;45 get up
7:00 go to school
4:30 exercise
5:30 get home
6:30 eat dinner
7:30 do my homework
10:00 go to bed

My day is like uniform everyday,I don't even need an alarm clock and would wake up at 6:45 sharp every morning.I wash and eat my breakfast quickly,and go to school just a little after 7 o'clock.it is a long day everyday in school,my last activity would an exercise at 4:30 before I can come home at half past 5.Not long after I got home,dinner will be served at 6:30.After dinner,I start my homework at half past 7 every night.If I still have time left after I have done my homework I will be allowed to watch a bit of TV,but I must go to bed at 10 o'clock,so I would have enough sleep for the next day's hard work.