英语翻译few people know that Sir George Cayley(1773--1857)has been called the inventor of the airplane,although I prefer to think of him as its grandfather.Cayley made wide anatomical studies of birds and bird flight.From the studies ,Cayley was sure that it was impossible for humans to tie a pair of wings and be taken to the air.This led him to plan a fixed-wing airplane with a divided system for push .He developed three gliders that embodied these ideas


few people know that Sir George Cayley(1773--1857)has been called the inventor of the airplane,although I prefer to think of him as its grandfather.
Cayley made wide anatomical studies of birds and bird flight.From the studies ,Cayley was sure that it was impossible for humans to tie a pair of wings and be taken to the air.This led him to plan a fixed-wing airplane with a divided system for push .He developed three gliders that embodied these ideas.The gliders were successful in carrying people over a shortdistance --the first successful modern airplane design.His work was highly important helpful to the final development of the airplane.
In 1903,the Wright brother and their flying machine brought their achievement to the world sight,in a way that truly marked beginning of a new time.

很少人知道乔治·凯莱爵士(1773 - 1857)被称为飞机的发明者,但我更喜欢把他当作自己的祖父。凯莱使广泛的解剖学研究鸟类和鸟类的飞行。从研究,凯莱确信它是不可能的,人类领带一双翅膀,被带到空气。这促使他计划一个固定翼飞机和一个分裂的系统推动。他开发了三个滑翔机,体现了这些想法。海洋滑翔器成功地携带个人在一个人短距离飞行——这就是第一架成功飞行的现代飞机的设计。他的工作是非常重要的开展研发有用的飞机。在1903年,莱特兄弟和他们的飞行机器把他们的成就世界景象,真正标志着一个新时代的开始。

很少人知道乔治·凯莱爵士(1773 - 1857)被称为飞机的发明者,但我更喜欢把他当作飞机之祖。凯莱广泛地以解剖学观点研究鸟类和鸟类的飞行。从研究,凯莱确信人类绑带一双翅膀,飞到空中是不可能的。这促使他计划一个固定翼飞机和一个可分离的系统来推动。他体现了这些想法而开发了三个滑翔机,。这些滑翔器成功地携带个人短距离飞行——这就是第一架成功飞行的现代飞机的设计。他的工作是非常重要的, 以致能开展研发有用的飞机。在1903年,莱特兄弟和他们的飞行机器把他们的成就展现於世人眼前,真正标志着一个新时代的开始。

很少人知道乔治·凯莱爵士(1773 - 1857)被称为飞机的发明者,但我更倾向于认为是其祖父.
