英语高手进,翻译成英语,对我很重要!谢谢谢谢你让我懂得了什么叫爱 我失去了一切,所有的一切都不再是那么的重要,一次次茫然的走在这一条条熟悉的街道上,每个相爱的地方,都象回忆织的网,一次次的撕碎着我的心,酒精对我不再发挥它的作用,痛就是痛,一次一次的想用酒精去麻醉,可带来的却是更都的惆怅.在我第不知道多少次用酒精麻醉我自己后,我真正清醒的知道我失去了她,我们在一起不到一年的时间里,他让我那样幸福的爱了一次,让我懂得了什么是爱,什么是感情,什么是亲情... ...今天当老天要把这一年给我的一切都要收回去而只给我残留一个空壳的生命的时候我是那么的不舍. 谢谢你让我懂得了什么叫爱~什么叫深爱!深爱,就是生生世世,永不分离;深爱就是两人紧紧拥抱,希望彼此之间不留下一点空气流动的空间;深爱不仅仅是手指对着手指说出相伴一生的诺言,它还需要实践的勇气和决心.留住对爱情的羞怯,这是美好时光最后的标记;我已经深深爱过,更愿意用一生去守侯曾经对你的诺言,.爱情让我终于明白,其实爱就是爱着自己的悲剧.


在我第不知道多少次用酒精麻醉我自己后,我真正清醒的知道我失去了她,我们在一起不到一年的时间里,他让我那样幸福的爱了一次,让我懂得了什么是爱,什么是感情,什么是亲情... ...今天当老天要把这一年给我的一切都要收回去而只给我残留一个空壳的生命的时候我是那么的不舍.
现在我已经没有勇气跟你说要你原谅我曾经对你的伤害、只愿你能万事顺利、开开心心,即将要踏上不知道明天的路途心里唯一的担心还是你,担心你没人照顾、担心没人为你解除、分担和分析烦恼、担心没人逗你开心、担心你感情空虚所有的担心全是你.我到底是怎么了,明明已经失去我还要想着这些... ...
这辈子不管我生在何处,你一定是我最大的牵挂,我答应你的承诺我也会实现,我错了,我再也不能再伤害你了,在这里诚恳的对你说句:对不起! 不论生在何处,我会用生命等候等候你的消息,只要你需要我的时候一个空间留言,一个电话,我会马上到你身边,除非我生命结束了.电话永远为你等候,同时也给我自己一个梦, 生命有多远——爱你就有多远,请记住这句话!

Thank you for letting me know what love
I lost everything,all the everything is no longer so important,take the time and at a loss in this条条familiar with the streets,in every love the place,as are memories woven net,the first time a tear My heart,I am not going to play alcohol on its role,pain is pain,the first one to use alcohol to anesthesia,can bring it is all the more melancholy.
I do not know how many times the first use of alcohol on Narcotic my own,I really clear that I lost her,we have together less than a year,he let me as a happy love,let me know what Is love,what are feelings of affection ......What is this the year when God to give me a while to recover everything to me only a shell of the residual life when I was not so Homes.
Thank you for letting me know what to love what is love!Love is Shengshengshishi,never separated from love is the two hugged,do not want to stay one point between the flow of air space; love is not just finger fingers in front of state accompanied by the promise lifetime,it Practice need the courage and determination.Retain the love of the shy,this is a great time the last marker; I have deeply loved,more willing to use his life to have to watch your promises.I love to finally understand that,in fact,love is the love of their own tragedy.
I now have the courage to tell you that I forgive you for your injury,you can everything is smooth Zhiyuan,a happy heart,do not know about to embark on the road tomorrow,the only worry is mind you,no one worried about you Care,are you worried about not lifting,sharing and analysis of problems,worried that no one amuse you happy,you worry about all the feelings of emptiness are all worried about you.In the end is how I,clearly had lost I would also like to think of these ......
In this life no matter where I was born in,you must be my biggest worried about,I promise you I will achieve the commitments,I was wrong,I can no longer hurt you again,here's to you sincerely say:I am sorry !Regardless of where the health,I will wait for your life waiting for the news,as long as you need my space when a message,a telephone,I will immediately close to you,unless my life is over.Tel wait for you forever,but also to my own dream,life is how far - how far will love you,please remember these words!
I promised to take good care of themselves,for you,your family,I have gone to the people,the most important thing is to respect your own