英语翻译1、附件中的所有发票我们已提交到财务部,现在递交到税务局审核中,一旦审核完成就会支付给你们; 2、附件中第314行的发票号与316行的重复了,应该修改为71301446;



  1. We have submitted all the invoices in the attachment to the financial department, now the  invoices are presented to tax bureau for approval. After the approval, we will pay to you; 

  2. The invoice number in line 314 should be corrected to 71301446, because it is the same as line 316.

We have submitted all the invoices in the attachment to financial department. No they are under the verification by Tax Authorities. We will make the related payment to you as soon as the verification finished.

The invoice in line 314 of the attachment is the repetition of line 316. It should be 71301446.

All invoices as contained in the attachment have been submitted to our Finance Department,which in turn have forwarded to the Tax Department for verification.Once the verification is done,we will make payment to you.

The invoice stated in line 314 in the attachment overlaps with the invoice in line 316.It should be amended as 71301446.

Thank you.