


Hi, Xiaoming, I am so happy to recieve your photos. My first impression towards you is not as handsome as "Brad Pitt", but more cute and more humor than him. I am wondering what's my first impression to you. Before, I sent you 2 e-mail, without your reply, I am not sure if you recieve them or not. As heard from Uncle Wang, you know English, is this true? Please reply my e-mail when you are free, okay?
Best wishes

Hello! Xiao Ming, very happy to receive your photos, you give me the first impression is: although no "brad Pitt" so handsome, but you absolutely than he cute and humor; Do not know you to my impression is again how? Before the two email sent to you, do not know whether you received? Because has not received your reply? Listen to uncle wang said, you will Chinese, is it true? If you have free time please answer my E-mail? Bless you!

楼上翻译机,还是我来吧~Hello,Mr.Ming!I'm glad to receive your photos,and the first impression I had was:although you might not be as handsome as Brad Pitt,you must be more humorous and lovely than him...