英语翻译1.Crusher Plant:(150 tonne/hour) 2.Concrete Batch Plant:(50 m3/hour) 3.Asphalt Plant:(60 tonne/hour) 4.Asphalt Paver:(3.5 m) 5.Bulldozer:(36~42 tonne) 6.Aggregate Spreader:(3.5 m) 7.Dump Truck:(15 tonne) 8.Water Truck:(15 tonne) 9.Excavator:(1 m3) 10.Cranes:(40 60 tonne) 11.Pile Boring Rotary Equipment 12.Concrete Mixer Truck:(6 m3) 13.Vibratory Roller:(10 tonne) 14.Pneumatic Tyred Roller:(15 tonne) 15.Concrete Lab with instrument as required 16.P


1.Crusher Plant:(150 tonne/hour) 2.Concrete Batch Plant:(50 m3/hour) 3.Asphalt Plant:(60 tonne/hour) 4.Asphalt Paver:(3.5 m) 5.Bulldozer:(36~42 tonne) 6.Aggregate Spreader:(3.5 m) 7.Dump Truck:(15 tonne) 8.Water Truck:(15 tonne) 9.Excavator:(1 m3) 10.Cranes:(40 60 tonne) 11.Pile Boring Rotary Equipment 12.Concrete Mixer Truck:(6 m3) 13.Vibratory Roller:(10 tonne) 14.Pneumatic Tyred Roller:(15 tonne) 15.Concrete Lab with instrument as required 16.Portal Crane for rail laying 17.Ballast spreading equipment 18.Sleeper Laying Machine 19.Heavy Duty Automatic Ballast Tamping Machine (MG) for plain track and points & crossings 20.Rail Welding Machine (Flush Butt) Mobile Rail Welding Machine (Flush Butt) 21.Destressing Equipment including Tensor etc (in sets) 2 22.Track Car (MG) 23.Motor Trolleys (MG) 24.Locomotives,Wagon As necessary

1.Crusher Plant:(150 tonne/hour) 压碎机/破碎机/又或者碎石机 (150公吨每小时) 2.Concrete Batch Plant:(50 m3/hour) 混凝土搅拌设备 (50立方米每小时) 3.Asphalt Plant:(60 tonne/hour) 沥青炼油装置 (60公吨每小时) 4.Asphalt Paver:(3.5 m) 沥青摊布机械 (3.5米) 5.Bulldozer:(36~42 tonne) 推土机 (36至42公吨) 6.Aggregate Spreader:(3.5 m) 砂粒撒布器 (3.5米) 7.Dump Truck:(15 tonne) 自动倾卸卡车 (15公吨) 8.Water Truck:(15 tonne) 水车 (15公吨) 9.Excavator:(1 m3) 打洞机 (1立方米) 10.Cranes:(40 60 tonne) 起重机 (40到60公吨) 11.Pile Boring Rotary Equipment 堆积旋转钻孔设备 12.Concrete Mixer Truck:(6 m3) 混凝土搅拌车 (6立方米) 13.Vibratory Roller:(10 tonne) 振动压路机 (10公吨) 14.Pneumatic Tyred Roller:(15 tonne) 气胎压路机 (15公吨) 15.Concrete Lab with instrument as required 带所有需求设备的混凝土实验室 16.Portal Crane for rail laying 钢轨铺设的门式起重机 17.Ballast spreading equipment 碎石撒播设备 18.Sleeper Laying Machine 铺枕机 19.Heavy Duty Automatic Ballast Tamping Machine (MG) for plain track and points & crossings 给平轨和点和交叉口用的重型自动撒石打夯机 MG是个牌子来的吧?20.Rail Welding Machine (Flush Butt) Mobile Rail Welding Machine (Flush Butt) 铁轨焊接机 移动式铁轨焊接机 括号那个应该是牌子 21.Destressing Equipment including Tensor etc (in sets) 2 去应力设备 (集中式的) 22.Track Car (MG) 轨道车 23.Motor Trolleys (MG) 马达手推车 24.Locomotives,Wagon As necessary 机车,有需要的就运货车