


1. Where means of transport and inland areas like, unless it is the sea, that certainly is a boat.
The annual average temperature and the average annual rainfall
The rainfall
As for is to follow a tour group play and too little time so just went to several spots. Tour guide always takes visitors up to a specific point of sale to the consumer, to earn commission.
The local people are mostly dark skin of small stature

1, The transportation way in there is nearly the same with inner land area, normally by boat, unless the time lauching out.
2, year average temperature/ year average rainfall
3,Abundant rainfall
4 with the tourism group, We had less tour time, and only got to few place of interesting. For getting commision, the tour guide always took us to the certain place for shopping.
5,Most of he local people looks with black skin and with thin, small figure

1.The transportation there is basically the same as it is in inland regions,unless you are travelling over the sea where,of course,you will have to use boats.
2.the average precipitation/temperature of the year
3.abundant precipitation
4.We only visited a few scenic spots,due to the itinerary of the tour group and time constrain.The tour leader always took visitors to pre-determined retail stores/venues for shopping,in order to get kick-backs.
5.The local people are mostly tanned and short.