英语作文 假如你是Alice,生活在长白山,下表是你对长白山的天气的看法,请给你的朋友Sam写一封e-mail,介绍你的这些看法天气 喜好 原因多云 Great 天气凉爽下雨 Terrible 烦闷下雪 Pretty good 冬天常看到雪大雪 Not good 出行困难Dear Sam,I'm e-mailing to describe what I think of the weather


英语作文 假如你是Alice,生活在长白山,下表是你对长白山的天气的看法,请给你的朋友Sam写一封e-mail,
天气 喜好 原因
多云 Great 天气凉爽
下雨 Terrible 烦闷
下雪 Pretty good 冬天常看到雪
大雪 Not good 出行困难
Dear Sam,I'm e-mailing to describe what I think of the weather

Dear Sam,I'm e-mailing to describe what I think of the weather.
I live in ChangBaiShan with my grandparents since I was five .So I konw a lot about the weather of ChangBaiShan .The weather of ChangBaiShan is changeable .Because of the changeable weather ,the view of ChangBaiShan is very beautiful.If the weather is cloudy ,I think it is a great chance to visit ChangBaiShan ,because the weather is cool and make us feel good .If the weather is rainy ,Oh ,I think it is a terrible weather ,it will make us feel dull .Or if the weather is snowy ,wow ,I think it is pretty good !In winter ,we can see beutiful snow view at ChangBaiShan !But if the snowy is very big ,I think it is no good ,because when we out ,the big snow will make a big trouble !
Welcome to ChangBaiShan![(⊙v⊙)嗯.最后这句也可以不要的.]