英语翻译I wish to notify you again that you were listed as a beneficiary to the total sum of £15,600,000.00GBP (Fifteen million Six hundred thousand British pounds)in the codicil and last testament of the deceased.(Name now withheld since this is our second letter to you).I contacted you because you bear the surname identity and therefore can present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance.I therefore reckoned that you can receive these funds as you are


I wish to notify you again that you were listed as a beneficiary to the total
sum of £15,600,000.00GBP (Fifteen million Six hundred thousand British
pounds)in the codicil and last testament of the deceased.(Name now withheld
since this is our second letter to you).I contacted you because you bear the
surname identity and therefore can present you as the beneficiary to the
inheritance.I therefore reckoned that you can receive these funds as you are
qualified by your name identity.All the legal papers will be processed in
your acceptance.In your acceptance of this deal,I request that you kindly
forward to me your letter of acceptance; your current telephone and fax
numbers and a forwarding address to enable us file necessary documents at our
high court probate division for the release of this sum of money.You are
entitle to 50% of this money while i will also take 50% Get back to me with
the following contact mail[stephenscott@hotellos.nl]
Yours faithfully,
Stephen Scott

我希望在此告诉您,您在刚刚去世的一个人(在此保留逝者姓名,因为这是我们给您的第二封信了)的遗嘱中是一个一千五百六十万英镑遗产的受益人之一。我联络你是因为你有着可以证明是自己受益人身份的姓氏。因此通过您的姓氏验证,我认为您有资格获得这些遗产。在您同意接受遗产后,我们将会处理所有的法律文件。如果您同意的话,我请您将同意书寄给我;您现在的电话与传真号码和一个有效地址能帮助我们在高等法院的遗嘱查验部作出必要的归档以便于这笔钱的发行。您有这笔钱50%的继承权,而我将会得到另外的50%。请通过一下地址与我联络 stephenscott@hotellos.nl

亲爱的受益人,我在这里通知你,你已经列为一笔高达15,600,000.00GBP 英镑遗产的继承者.因为没有书面遗嘱,所以你就会得到这份遗产.我很高兴受理此事,并且其带给你提供进一步的答复.为了遗产交接方便,希望可以收到你现...