1、The bird find food for live.(可不可以这样造句?语法有没有错误?)2、She sure is a good mother.(sure的用法有没有错误?)3、I got a low mark in math.(low )4、We are going to Showtime Cinema.(划线词showtime,根据划线词提问)()()are you going to?5、I can nearly understand it.6、What problems do you have?(problem,是不是要加s?)7、“牙疼得厉害”和“你看上去气色不好”怎么翻译?8、drive sth 9、wonder的用法?10、price of paper,11、even的用法还有句中位置?


1、The bird find food for live.(可不可以这样造句?语法有没有错误?)
2、She sure is a good mother.(sure的用法有没有错误?)
3、I got a low mark in math.(low )
4、We are going to Showtime Cinema.(划线词showtime,根据划线词提问)
()()are you going to?
5、I can nearly understand it.
6、What problems do you have?(problem,是不是要加s?)
8、drive sth
10、price of paper,

2:sure错了:3:低分.4:where 5:我能够理解它 6:what's 10 错了