更正函 英语以下这段话怎么翻译啊?你这笔汇款在收款银行,收款人的开户银行收到帐号或户名有误的汇款后,会将此笔汇款作挂帐处理,然后会向汇款银行发出查询.你本人可以书写一份更正函,将更正函,身份证和电汇凭证的回单联一起拿到汇款银行,委托汇款银行发出更正函,更正收款人的帐号或户名.


更正函 英语

Your remittance is at the gathering bank.If the payee's bank receive the remittance with the wrong accounts or the wrong name,it will confirm your remittence as payable account and inquire the remitting bank.You can write a letter to correct and bring it with your ID card and the return receipt for the telegraphic transfer to the remitting bank,and commission the bank to send the letter to correct the payee's accounts and accounts.