高分求一篇关于写环保,公民素质的英语小短文提示句(我们生活在地球,应该保护好我们共同的家园,但有些素质不高的人们总是在破坏着公共财产,如乱扔纸屑,用完水不关水龙头,甚至有些人 随意毁坏公共财产,我们应该杜绝这些现象,建设好我们的家乡)还可以随意加点,最好是通俗易懂不超过初中水平


提示句(我们生活在地球,应该保护好我们共同的家园,但有些素质不高的人们总是在破坏着公共财产,如乱扔纸屑,用完水不关水龙头,甚至有些人 随意毁坏公共财产,我们应该杜绝这些现象,建设好我们的家乡)

As we all know ,the environment is very important to us so we should try our best to protect it .It is our duty and protecting the environment is protecting ourselves.But there are always some people who don't think like that . They often do damage to the public such as throwing waste paper,don't turn off the tap after they use the water.We should do something to prevent it in order to make our country more beautiful.

We all live in the same earth, so it is our duty to protect our common homeland, but some people who have bad qualities are always destroying the public property, such as throw confetti, never turn off the tap after using the water , and some even destroy the public property at their wills, we Should put an end to these phenomenas as soon as possible and make our homeland more and more beautiful.

We are all living on the earth,so we should try our best to protect our living conditions.But some people are doing something bad to our own possessions,such as throw paper everywhere,waste the water,...