- 哪个高手帮我翻译一下right here waiting 的歌词啊.
- 帮我翻译一下这句话的意思I thought you were the one
- 英文 一个小小的翻译问题哪位亲帮我看一下下面这段文字是什么意思?Please resubmit your address to fit the following format. Each "x" represents one alphanumeric unit.STREET1: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (32 alphanumeric units)STREET2: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (32)CITY: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (30) STATE: xx (2) ZIP: xxxxxxxxxx (10)
- 帮我翻译一下这句英文conducting light research有关秘书职务描述中有这句:Take care of the CFO schedule, conducting light research, attending meetings and hearings.这句话怎么翻译啊?这里的 conducting light research什么意思啊?
- 帮我看一下这个英语句子选什么I want to be liked and loved for___ I am inside A who B where C what D whether 到底选哪个 为什么选这个,be liked 是什么意思. 为什么要加be liked为什么是ed 句中and 算是什么成分, for 又算是什么成分 能去掉for 么? 再帮我分析下这个句子结构 都由谁来充当的 ,谢谢啊!说的好 我会追加分的, 另外 翻译下这个句子
- 《琵琶行》节选..谁来帮我翻译下..浔阳江头夜送客,枫叶荻花秋瑟瑟. 主人下马客在船,举酒欲饮无管弦. 醉不成欢惨将别,别时茫茫江浸月. 忽闻水上琵琶声,主人忘归客不发. 寻声暗问弹者谁?琵琶声停欲语迟. 移船相近邀相见,添酒回灯重开宴. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面. 转轴拨弦三两声,未成曲调先有情. 弦弦掩抑声声思,似诉平生不得志. 低眉信手续续弹,说尽心中无限事. 轻拢慢捻抹复挑,初为霓裳后六么. 大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语. 嘈嘈切切错杂弹,大珠小珠落玉盘. 间关莺语花底滑,幽咽泉流冰下难. 冰泉冷涩弦凝绝,凝绝不通声暂歇. 别有幽愁暗恨生,此时无声胜有声. 银瓶乍破水浆迸,铁骑突出刀枪鸣. 曲终收拨当心画,四弦一声如裂帛. 东舟西舫悄无言,唯见江心秋月白谁帮我翻译下上面这几句诗的意思...速度啊...马上要关机了...谢谢了先...不要全文的,只要这一点的...
- 英语翻译求求大家了..帮我翻译一下下..顺便做一下...说出大概的内容也可以.When people want to bulid a new town,they choose a place.Sometimes they choose an old town and make it new one.Sometimes they ___1___a town right out in the ____2____.__3___do they choose one place and not another?Well,towns___4___a lot of water for houses and facrories,so people do not chooes without enough ___5___.In some places,the earth is very ___6___for farms.So people do not choose those places for buildin
- Thanks,but you needn ' t have ______.I bought a new one this morning.A.1.Thanks,but you neednt have ______.I bought a new one this morning.A.stood B.worked C.bothered D.operated选C 我想知道每个选项的意思和句子翻译及选择的原因.有3题我不懂的想问一下2.One of the men held the view ____ the book said was right.A.what that B what C.that D that what3.____ fashion differs from country to country may reflect a cultural difference from one aspect.A.What B.That C.This D.which4.The professor spo
- so nice 的中文翻译谁帮我翻译一下Someone to hold me tighTThat would be very niceSomeone to love me rightSomeone to understandEach little dream in meSomeone to take my handTo be a team with meSo nice, life would be so niceIf one day I'd findSomeone who would take my handAnd samba through life with meSomeone to cling to meStay with me right or wrongSomeone to sing to meSome little samba songSomeone to take my heartAnd give his heart to meSomeone who's ready toGive l
- 英语翻译帮我翻译一下一些在英语口语中常用的短语,如abusolutely ,eventualy ,actualy 另外,好象还有一个以-----ly 结尾的,意思相近,结构相近,词性相近的词啊,我记不起了.谁想得起来,
- 数列an是等差数列,首项不为0,求lim[Sn+S(n+1)]/[Sn-S(n+1)]
- My brother likes __________ (收集) stamps.填什么,为什么呢