地球使用说明书七个字用英语怎么说?我要做英语手抄报,地球使用说明书七个字用英语怎么说?如果哪位仁兄有关于英语环保方面的句子(看清楚,是句子,不是作文),也请发过来,我在说详细一点,如果要发句子的话大家不用发太深奥的,只要发people must stop...人们必须停止做...或者是people must ...人们必须...


我在说详细一点,如果要发句子的话大家不用发太深奥的,只要发people must stop...人们必须停止做...或者是people must ...人们必须...

User's Guide of the Earth

The instruction of Earth Using.
How to make this planet beautiful forever? People should take care of earth.

instruction of using earth1.people must save our earth.2.people must give up damage the enviroment.3.people should save water.4.people should useless paper.5.people must stop cut more tree.6.people sh...

The Earth using instructions.
环境保护,人人有责:Environmental protection is everyone responsibility.
1987年世界卫生组织把5月31日定为“世界无烟日”,以提醒人们重视香烟对人类健康的危害:1987 put May 31 as "World No Tobacco Day" to draw attention to tobacco on human health hazards.