根据首字母提示完成句子 1.The water in the river is really i____.2.The sound of happy laughter c____ up memories of his childhood.3.


根据首字母提示完成句子 1.The water in the river is really i____.2.The sound of happy laughter c____ up memories of his childhood.3.They e____ English as a common language.4.Bill always seems to be honest,but in r____ he often tells lies.5.The current t____ is toward more part-time employment.6.Don't play by the river in case you fall in and d____.7.Jet planes s____ through the air.8.A better understanding of the environment is necessary,a____ is the willingness to act.9.There is no other a____.You must finish the work within two days.10.She read the children a story to c____ them down.11.A volcano that is e____ or frequently e____ is called an active volcano.12.Brown u____ her to reconsider her decision.13.He behaved as i____ nothing had happened.求英语好的帮帮我,最先完整完成采纳.
