On Sunday I always do some____and_____at home. A.clean,wash B.to clean,wash C.cleaning,washing


On Sunday I always do some____and_____at home. A.clean,wash B.to clean,wash C.cleaning,washing
1.On Sunday I always do some____and_____at home. A.clean,wash B.to clean,wash C.cleaning,washing
2.what time ______he________this afternoon?
A.is,comeB. are ,comingC.is ,comeing
My Uncle is going to have a holiday next week. He is (1) to England (2) plane. He is going to (3) some sightseeing. First,he is going to travel by bus and stay in hotels. He( 4) like cars. Then he is going to visit London. London is a beautiful city. It( 5) lots of parks and gardens. He is going to visit the big
parks. (6). He is going to the theatre and the cinema.
He (7). English Culture. He is going to visit London Museum. It can(8). you a lot of interesting stories. Finally, he is going to visit many( 9). places of interest, such as Big Ben, River Thames and so on. He loves (10). . He always buys me a present when he has a holiday. I’m looking forward to that.
4. A isn’t B don’t C is D doesn’t
5. A is B have Care D has
6. A so B But C And D or
7. A is like B liked C likes D like
8. A tell B talk C asy D speak
9. A the other B other C another D others
10.A going shopping B going swimming C go some shopping D going to shopping

do some washing and cleaning
2. C is coming
he单数用isbe + 加动词 ing表将来
come 去e 加ing coming,你打错了吧
望采纳,祝开心!(*^__^*)能不能再帮我解释一下问题补充里的。谢谢。4. D like 动词,借助于doesn't5. D 表示拥有has6. C 表示并列关系 7. C 主语为三单8. A 强调内容tell9. B many other places 其他许多地方 10. A love doing sth. go shopping 去购物 望采纳,祝开心!(*^__^*)