he went all out for a job that would not disappear at the first signs of a depression翻译~


he went all out for a job that would not disappear at the first signs of a depression翻译~

depression -
Economics A period of drastic decline in a national or international economy,characterized by decreasing business activity,falling prices,and unemployment.
【经济学】 萧条,不景气:国家(或国际)经济不景气的一段时期其实这是一个长句解释题A. he went out every day to find a job just before a depression cameB. he tried very hard and snatched at every opportunity so as to get a jobC. he wandered everywhere in order to get a job, which was not easy to find because a depression was soon to come.D. every dady he left home just before the sun rose in order to get a job.a. 在大萧条到来之前,他每天出去找工作。b. 他竭尽所能抓住每一个工作的机会。c. 为了找工作,他四处徘徊,但由于经济萧条,找工作很难。d. 每天太阳还没升起来,他就离开家找工作去了。 这五句话为什么没有一起发上来呢?这五句话解释另外一个长句子吧?不是,还是解释这一个句子。