求一篇写家乡的英语作文拜托各位大神你的家乡现在是什么季节?天气如何?人们在这样的天气里都在干什么?请根据提示词写一篇介绍你家乡的短文,词数80左右.winter,windy and coid,have a good time,in the park and in the zoo,singing,dancing,play sports,take photos (注:我的家乡在山东泰安,现在是冬季)


你的家乡现在是什么季节?天气如何?人们在这样的天气里都在干什么?请根据提示词写一篇介绍你家乡的短文,词数80左右.winter,windy and coid,have a good time,in the park and in the zoo,singing,dancing,play sports,take photos (注:我的家乡在山东泰安,现在是冬季)

My hometown is Shandong Tai'an.It's a beautiful place .The weather is winter now ,and it's windy and coid outside.Although it's very cold,people have a good time .We can see people playing in the park...