英语作文 李平生病住院了,他的同班同学赵强准备去看他


英语作文 李平生病住院了,他的同班同学赵强准备去看他
李平生病住院了,他的同班同学赵强准备去看他,但是赵强不知道去医院的路该怎么走.去医院的路不远,只需要做108路公交在振兴路下车,沿着振兴路走,在第二个路口左转,医院在左边50米出.根据以上类容提示写一段赵强找医院的对话,字数 60-70

A:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the hospital please?
B:It's not far away.You need to take the bus NO.108 and get down at Zhenxing Road.Walk along Zhenxing Road and turn left at the second corner.You will see the hospital at the left hand 50 metres far away.
A:Thank you very much.