Suppose our Sun eventually collapses into a white dwarf,losing about half its mass in the process,and winding up with a


Suppose our Sun eventually collapses into a white dwarf,losing about half its mass in the process,and winding up with a radius 1.0% of its existing radius.Assuming the lost mass carried away no angular momentum,what would the Sun's new rotation rate be?(Take the Sun's current period to be about 30 days.) What would be its final KE in terms of its initial KE of today?

质量损失不带走角动量 角动量守恒 Jw=衡量 球体的转动惯量J=2mR²/5 所以新的自传角速度为原角速度的20000倍 所以速度是20000/30rad每天
动能W=Jw²/2 最终动能变为现在的20000倍