we are the same 这几种表达对吗?


we are the same 这几种表达对吗?
表示我们年龄一样大的 翻译.看到几种表达,大家看看那几个才对?
A We are the same age
B We have the same age
C We are of the same age
D We are at the same age
1 是否都正确?还是只有个别可以?
2 他们都是27岁
3 我们两个人 / 我们三个人 都是 27 岁
4 我春节期间 去南非旅游了
5 你春节 去哪里旅游了?

选择C.因为只有of the same age能成立.the same age +as 一般会这样,表示一个对比.而of the same age才能表示同龄.
They are all 27 (years old).
Both/Three of us are all 27 (years old).
I travelled(have travelled) to South Africa in my Spring Festival holiday.
where have you travelld(did you travel) in your Spring Festival holiday.