Daylight Saving Time saves energy because people use less electricity for light-ing and appliances.Energy use and the de
Daylight Saving Time saves energy because people use less electricity for light-ing and appliances.Energy use and the demand for electricity for lighting the homes is directly connected to when people go to bed and when they get up.Bedtime for most people is late evening through the year.When people go to bed,they turn off the lights and TV.In the average home,25percent of all the electricity people use is for lighting and small appliances,such as TVs,VCRs and stereos.A good percent-age of energy consumed by lighting and appliances occurs in the evening when fami-lies are home.By moving the clock ahead one hour,people can cut the amount of electricity use each day.
夏令时能源使用减少是因人们在照明和电器方面用电较少.能源的使用和对电的需求与人们何时睡觉和何时起床有直接关联.对于大多数人来说是晚上.当人们睡觉时会关灯和电视.在普通的家中,25%的电被用于照明和电器,如TV 录...