IT is hard for a person to pull a truck .It is even harder to pull it in a pair of roller skates .But Indian Kapil Gehlo


IT is hard for a person to pull a truck .It is even harder to pull it in a pair of roller skates .But Indian Kapil Gehlot did it. He pulled a 9,300kg truck for 80 meters. Now, Gehlot has a new plan. He wants to pull a 1,500kg car with his beard .请翻译,语句通顺.

拉动一辆卡车对一个人而言十分困难的,更何况在穿上旱冰鞋的情况下.但是印度人Kapil Gehlot做到了.他拉着重达9.3吨的卡车行走了80米.而现在,Gehlot 有了一个新的挑战,他将用自己的胡须来拖拽1.5吨的卡车.