英语 (出自新概念英语第三册课后练习第四课)11.His rise in status more than ____ the loss of money.a.pays back b.rewards c.compensates for d.values(答案是c,不太明白这里more than后面怎么会加动词)12.He wanted to be ___ "Mr.Bloggs",not "Alf".a.addressed as b.named c.cried out d.shouted


英语 (出自新概念英语第三册课后练习第四课)
11.His rise in status more than ____ the loss of money.
a.pays back b.rewards c.compensates for d.values
(答案是c,不太明白这里more than后面怎么会加动词)
12.He wanted to be ___ "Mr.Bloggs",not "Alf".
a.addressed as b.named c.cried out d.shouted

第一题 答案c. compensates 补偿 的意思
more than 是副词 修饰谓语动词compensates
第二题答案 a. addressed as 被作为。。来称呼

第一题中compensates for 是弥补……的意思,其实句子是His rise in status compensates for the loss of money ,译为“他在地位上的提升弥补了他在在金钱上的损失”.而加more than 译为“非常、极其”作为副词修饰动词compensate,强调程度,即整个句子译为“他在地位上的提升极大的弥补了他在在金钱上的损失”.
第二题addressed as 是称作,称为的意思,由题意可以看出是他希望别人称呼他为Mr.Bloggs而不是Alf,所以选a