

人教版八年级下册英语书(Go for it!)P16的Maybe you should learn to relax!
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Cathy Taylor三个孩子的生活十分繁忙.他们的学校天足够繁忙.放学后,尽管,Cathy把两个男孩从足球带到篮球.当时,她不得不把她的女儿带到钢琴若干课.疲倦的孩子直到7 pm而不到家.他们吃一顿迅速的晚饭,而它是家庭作业的时间.
Linda Miller,在伦敦三的一名母亲,知道有关全部这样pressure."In一些家庭,当他们十分年轻时,从十分年轻age,"she says."Mothers的竞争星把他们的孩子派遣到各种课.同时,他们总把他们与其它孩子比较.它是疯狂的.人们不应该如此努力`推他们的孩子”.
Alice Green博士也同意这个观点.她还说这些孩子长大后发现很难对自己的生活进行思考,因为家长过多地为他们计划了他们的人生.当他们成年后就不会自己计划自己的人生了.家长应该给孩子多一点属于他们自己的时间.一方面,孩子们需要组织好的活动,另一方面,他们也需要时间和*来放松和更多的时间来独立完成一些事情.
Maybe you should learn to relax!
Life for Cathy Taylor's three children is very busy.Their school days are busy enough.After school,though,Cathy takes the two boys from football to basketball.Then she has to take her daughter to piano lessons.The tired children don't get home until 7 pm.They have a quick supper,and it's time for homework.
The Taylors are like many American and British parents.They take their children from activity to activity,and try to fit as much as possible into their kid's lives.Doctors say many children are under too much pressure.Teachers complain about teaching tired kids in the classroom.
Most children take part in after-school clubs.Activities include sports,language learning,music,and math classes.Pushy parents are nothing new,but now parents seem to push their children a lot more.Parents see other children doing a lot of things,and they feel their own children should do the same.
Linda Miller,a mother of three in London,knows all about such pressure."In some families,competition stars from a very young age,"she says."Mothers send their kids to all kinds of classes when they are very young.And they are always comparing them with other children.It's crazy.People shouldn't push their kids so hard."
Dr Alice Green agrees.She also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older."Parents are trying to plan their kids' lives for them.When these kids are adults,they might find it difficult to plan things for themselves."Parents should learn to give their kids a bit more time to themselves.On the one hand,children need organized activities.On the other hand,they also need time and freedom to relax,and they need time to do things by themselves.