用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.It’s raining very() now. (heavy) 2.Tom is() at pla用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.It’s raining very() now. (heavy)2.Tom is() at playing soccer .And he does() in basketball , too .(good)3.“It’s ( ) to eat noodles noisily in Japan ” he said to me() .(polite)4. It’s a() street . Everyone shouts() .(noisy)5.They are listening to the teacher() . They’re() students .(careful)6.Lucy works very() . Jim works() than Lucy. (hard)7.Jimmy got up quite() . But


用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.It’s raining very() now. (heavy) 2.Tom is() at pla
1.It’s raining very() now. (heavy)
2.Tom is() at playing soccer .And he does() in basketball , too .(good)
3.“It’s ( ) to eat noodles noisily in Japan ” he said to me() .(polite)
4. It’s a() street . Everyone shouts() .(noisy)
5.They are listening to the teacher() . They’re() students .(careful)
6.Lucy works very() . Jim works() than Lucy. (hard)
7.Jimmy got up quite() . But his mother got up () in his family .(early)
Please() your boxes()books
P;ease() the salt() the bone()()
It’s () to eat() your left hand in()
4.地印度的一些地方, 人们用手指和面包夹食物
In parts of India , people use their() and bread()()()food
5.当你敬酒的时候, 你最好喝一小口
When you ()() someone , you’d better()()()

1.It’s raining very(heavily) now. (heavy)
2.Tom is(good) at playing soccer .And he does(well) in basketball , too .(good)
3.“It’s ( polite ) to eat noodles noisily in Japan ” he said to me(politely) .(polite)
4. It’s a(noisy) street . Everyone shouts(noisily) .(noisy)
5.They are listening to the teacher(carefully) . They’re(careful) students .(careful)
6.Lucy works very(hard) . Jim works(harder) than Lucy. (hard)
7.Jimmy got up quite(early) . But his mother got up (earliest) in his family .(early)
Please(fill) your boxes(with)books
Please(add) the salt(to) the bone(soup)(slowly)
It’s (impolite) to eat(with) your left hand in(India)
4.地印度的一些地方, 人们用手指和面包夹食物
In parts of India , people use their(finger) and bread(to)(pick)(up)food
5.当你敬酒的时候, 你最好喝一小口
When you (toast)(to) someone , you’d better(take)(a)(sip)

1 heavily
2 good, well
3 polite, politely
4 noisy, noisily
5 carefully, careful
6 hard, harder
7 early, earlier
1 fill, with
2 add, to, very slowly
3 impolite, with, India
4 finger, to pick up
5 toast it, take small sips