八年级英语作文my favorite person(我最喜欢的明星)


八年级英语作文my favorite person(我最喜欢的明星)

My Favorite Star (明星是star,不是person哈)
My favorite star is Danson Tang.He is a singer,actor and TV host in *.He is very nice and good-looking.And he sings well and performs great characters in soap operas.
I listen to his songs all the time.And I have watched all his TV programmes.I cannot stop smiling when seeing him on TV.I have collected most of his posters and I hang up some of them on the wall of my bedroom.I like to look at him when I feel tired of reading.It will easily cheer me up when I do so.
Who is your favorite star then?我想要的是初三水平能不能再复杂点?谢谢你!LZ,你说的是八年级作文耶,不用太长的吧?需要的话,在第二段那里加上这些内容来丰富吧:(部分内容纯粹瞎造的哈,只要是现实可能发生的事,作文是允许编故事的)I've never seen him in person before. But I've got to know the news that he is going to have a concert in this coming September in Hongkong. It would be a perfect chance to meet him, so I'm saving my pocket money now, hoping to see him in Sept. I even tried to write him a letter, but was too shy to send it out, so I kept it in my private treasure box with all Tang's collections I have. Whenever my friends and classmates ask me about who my idol is, my answer is always just one: Danson Tang. As a matter of fact, my dream is to have a boyfriend like him when I grow up.