英语翻译翻译句子The summer holiday is on the way!   2、对句子小写部分进行提问.I AM GOING TOimprove my English speaking skills      3.把句子翻译成英语.我们将在北京呆三天,并且在那儿参观一些公园.   1、2题如果翻译的话可以加分.



翻译句子The summer holiday is on the way!   2、对句子小写部分进行提问.I AM GOING TOimprove my English speaking skills      3.把句子翻译成英语.我们将在北京呆三天,并且在那儿参观一些公园.   

  1. 暑假快到了。2. What are you going to do? (你准备干什么)

3. We will be in Beijing 3 days, and we will visit some parks there.


1 暑假临近了.或者 暑假在路上了. 前者是意译,后者是直译
2 What are you going to do? 原句为 我将去改善我的英语口语技能.
3 We will stay in Beijing for three days and visit some parks there.