


1. Talking about my vision for the future, now I just want to tell you, I want to be a true writer.
2. Whenever I pick up the pen, on paper, "brush" to read the time, my heart is always excitement surging.
3. Because it is just a pen, give me too much encouragement. Whenever I use it, it always gives me a lot of incredible things, so my thoughts are numerous and gave me a lot of writing inspiration.
4. Do not know why, from the elementary school, and even today I am about to enter the school door, I have the impression that other things are constantly changing, but, I pen, for writing this hobby is very never changed unexpectedly. Even love of writing, the writing as a part of life, as if there is no writing, my life would not be as exciting.
5. I believe that I love this one will definitely be with me, and walked the long future path in life. I also wish to become a real writer
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