the same...as这个用法中,as引导的定语从句什么时候能省略谓语部分?请举例说明.


the same...as这个用法中,as引导的定语从句什么时候能省略谓语部分?请举例说明.

看看以下句子你就明白了.如; 1 Mary comes from Canada.I come from Canada,too.现在把它们合并起来:Mary comes from the same country as I (do可以省略).2 You study in School A Tom studies in School A,too.现...He was born in this town. I was born in this town.合并:He was born in the same town as I was born.这句话as后面的was born可以省略吗?as可以换成where吗?1=== he was born in the same town as I.(ok)2==== he was born in the (same ) town where I was (born也可以省略)因为知道了上下文。1===也就是说,只要先行词用same修饰了,用as来引导定语从句时,谓语部分都可以省略?2===也就是说,用where来引导的话,先行词就不能用same了?by the way,是where可以省略是吧...如果1 是相同的动作. HE IS DOING THE SAME THING AS I DID LAST WEEK.这里did不能省略,时态不一样。2same可以用,但没有必要了。where不能省略,它是状语,不是宾语。Got it~关系副词有时可以省略,还可以用that来代替。Thank U very much~u r welcome