英语翻译请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:你在你的回信中反复提及“teach”这个词,是的,而你交给我的最重要的东西就是就是是在澳洲这样的法制国家,都可以有想你这样阴险的不道德的老板.在你公司的工作经验给我的是一个教训:那就是不应该轻易的相信一个能说会道的老板.但我并不会止步于此,我还要通过这件事情来了解澳洲的法律,了解自己的权益受到侵犯时,该如何通过法律来维护自己的权益.该如何在以后的求职过程中避免再次被像你这样满口谎言的老板所欺骗,所利用.所以这次我不会让这件事轻易的过去.我回去fair work投诉你.


你在你的回信中反复提及“teach”这个词,是的,而你交给我的最重要的东西就是就是是在澳洲这样的法制国家,都可以有想你这样阴险的不道德的老板.在你公司的工作经验给我的是一个教训:那就是不应该轻易的相信一个能说会道的老板.但我并不会止步于此,我还要通过这件事情来了解澳洲的法律,了解自己的权益受到侵犯时,该如何通过法律来维护自己的权益.该如何在以后的求职过程中避免再次被像你这样满口谎言的老板所欺骗,所利用.所以这次我不会让这件事轻易的过去.我回去fair work投诉你.

Called you mentioned in your letter again and again the word yes, and you gave me is the most important thing is in legal system countries like Australia, can have a think you such insidious immoral boss experience working in your company give me a lesson: that is should not easily believe that a by the boss But I will not stop there, I also through it to get to know Australian law, aware of their rights and interests are infringed, how to through the law to safeguard their rights How to avoid in the process of future job again by lying boss cheated, like you used So this time I won't let it easily in the past I went back to fair work complain about you


In your reply,you repeatedly mentioned the word 'teach'.Certainly.the most important thing you gave me in Australia is that there are still some insidious and immoral bosses like you.Therefore I won't...