

We not often play football inthe park.
【We don't  often play football inthe park.】
I not usually watch TV at the park.
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2.The students have/not no classed always  on weekends.
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3.You not often read books in your room.
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4.Amy and Sam not usully do their homework after class.
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5.My parent not always work always on Sataurdays.
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I not usually watch TV at the park.【I don't usually watch TV at the park.】2.The students have/not no classed always on weekends.【The students don't always have any classes on weekends.】 3.You not ...还有一道(肯定采纳)The students always have on classes on weekend.动词是啥是havehave classes是上课的意思。如何在句子中找到动词,什么是动词?动词就是表示动作的词。这和语文是一样的。比如:孩子们在踢足球。动词是哪个? 是“踢”吧。用英语表示就是The children are playing football,其中的动词就是play非三单又是什么意思呢非三单就是“不是第三人称单数”第三人称就是指除了“我,我们”,“你,你们”,以外的人称,比如“他,她,它,他们”单数就是指一个,不能是多个非三单:比如:“I,you, we , they , his parents”等这些都是非三单。谢谢,能否再答的一个!再送你200分!!谢谢,能否再答的一个!再送你200分!!好的,有问题请问。