请English高手帮忙修改一篇关于2008北京奥运的作文阿.本人语法错误可能比较多.望各位大人指出.I love the Olympic Games since I was a little girl.But this year.It has another meaning to me because the 29th Olympic Games are awarded to the city of Beijing in 2008.As a Chinese,Olympic means proud to me.China is a large country with a great deal of history .This is the first time for China to host the Olympic Games.That means China is becoming stronger and stronger in every hand.As a Chinese,Olymp


I love the Olympic Games since I was a little girl.But this year.It has another meaning to me because the 29th Olympic Games are awarded to the city of Beijing in 2008.As a Chinese,Olympic means proud to me.
China is a large country with a great deal of history .This is the first time for China to host the Olympic Games.That means China is becoming stronger and stronger in every hand.As a Chinese,Olympic means development to me.
With the motto "New Beijing,Great Olympics",Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics",a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".Everyone is doing his best for the Olympic.I am looking forward hearing the whole world cheering for China and the diligent Chinese people.This time,Olympic means united to me.
Olympic really means a lot,either to me or to the other Chinese peole.But each of us praies for the same thing.That is the success of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.

I have always dreamt of the Olympic Games since I was a little girl. But this year, it has another meaning to me because the 29th Olympic Games haaaas been awarded to the city of Beijing in 2008. As a Chinese, Olympic means proudness to me.
China is a large country with a long and brillient history .It is the first time for China to host the Olympic Games. That means China is becoming stronger and stronger in every hand. As a Chinese, Olympic means development to me.
With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics". Everyone is trying his best for the Olympic. I am looking forward to hearing the whole world's cheering for China and the diligent Chinese people. This time, Olympic means unition to me.
Olympic really means a lot, both to me and to the other Chinese peole. But all of us praies for the same thing. That is the success of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.

since 改 when ; but this year 没有转折错,改moreover 合适些;
award 不合适我认为,因为不是审判; China is a large country with a great deal of history 累赘,改为china is a large country with a magnificent history ; I am looking forward 后加to
China and the diligent Chinese people去掉china and 重复
同时好像olympic似乎没有奥林匹克精神含义,表项目,加s 也不对 。应该加the spirit of olympics好点
本人冒昧,不知对否 ,

全文如下,我按照你的文章改的,意思基本是你的意思,但这样符合英文的正式表述...有哪不妥,见凉I dreamed the Olympic Games would come to China when I was a little girl.Now the dream came ture.The 29th Olympic...