From the moment you do decided to start, is destined we no longer is a friend, I'm sorry, I don't have any wishes
" From the decisions you make that moment, is destined we are no longer friends, sorry, I have no any words of blessing".
It is from the moment you made the dicition on that we are not friends any more. Sorry, I can't say anything like wish you lucky.
We were destined not to be friends anymore since the moment you made your decision. Sorry, but I don't have any blessings for you.
注定...destined to
注定不...destined not to
Since that moment you made such a decision ,it doomed that we could not be friends any more 。Sorry,I can say nothing to bless you。
As soon as you make the decision, we aren't friends any more. sorry, I have no wishes for you.
We are no longer friends from the moment you make that decision.Sorry that I can say nothing about blessing to you.【楼主参考下~】
When you make the decision that doomed our friendship ended, sorry, I don‘t have any words of blessing to you.