今天是你的生日吗?是的,今天是我的生日 用英语怎么说上一年Tom和Mary都在北京. 用英语怎么说两天前Tom和Mary在杭州吗?是的,他们都在. 用英语怎么说


今天是你的生日吗?是的,今天是我的生日 用英语怎么说
上一年Tom和Mary都在北京. 用英语怎么说
两天前Tom和Mary在杭州吗?是的,他们都在. 用英语怎么说

Today is your birthday, isn't it? Yes, that's right.
Tom and mary were in Beijing last year.
Were Tom and mart in Hangzhou two days ago? Yes, they are all there.

Is today your birthday ?
Yes,today is my birthday.

It's your birthday today ?Yes,it is.
Last year Tom and Mary was in Biejing.
Were Tom and Mary in hangzhou tow days ago ?Yes,they were.

Today is your birthday ,isn't it?
Yes,that's right.

Is today your birthday?
Tom and Mary were in Beijing lasy year.
Were Tom and Mary in Hangzhou two days ago?
Yes,they were.

Today is your birthday,isn't it? Yes,that's right.
(It is your biethday today, isn't it?)

Tom and Mary were all in Beijing last year.
Were Tom and Mary in Hangzhou two days ago? Yes,they were.

Today is your birthday? Yes, today is my birthday