

Alice is best jumper in her school.
Monkey King is the most funny character.
Sleeping Beauty is one of the most famous story.
Snow White lived with the seven little men happy.
You can take one,two and threebooks out each day.
I don't like spicy food.Jenny doesn't like it too.
She wears two different socks.One is red:two is blue.
Who read the most books between you three?

1.best前面应加the2.most funny 改为 funniest3.story 改为stories4.happy 改为 happily5.and 改为 or6.too改为 either7.two 改为 the other one8.这句话非常别扭,表达很生硬,但是要改一处的话把 between改成among)...不客气O(∩_∩)O 请采纳为最佳答案哦~ 有不会的可以再问