同义句转换Jack spends half an hour playing table tennis every day( ) ( )Jack half an hour ( )( )table tennis every day及物动词+双宾



Jack  spends half an hour playing table tennis every day
(     ) (    )Jack half an hour (    )(    )table tennis every day


我妈妈给我做了一件大衣   My  mother(     ) (   )   (    )(  

谁给你买的这本字典?  Who (   ) (    ) ( )  (   

你打算什么时候给他发邮件 When are you going to (     ) (   )   (    )(  

小明从来不借钱给别人  Xiaoming never(     ) (   )   (    )

何军给我看了他的照片 He Jun (   ) (    ) ( )  (    )

he often gives the old his seat
he often (     ) (   )   (    )(   )(   ) (    )

my father will make me a model plane
my father will (     ) (   )   (    )(   )(   ) (    )

she's going to bring us some fruit
she's going to (     ) (   )   (    )(   )(   )

the little girl paid the shopkeeper 10 yuan
the little girl (     ) (   )   (    )(   )(   ) (    )

when will you return me my books?

when will you(     ) (   ) (     )   (    )(  

It  takes    to    play

made    me    a   coat

bought    you   the   dictionary

give   him   a   mail

lend    others   money

show   me   his   photos

gives    his   seat   to   the    old

make    a    model    plane   to   me

bring    some    fruit     to    us

paid    10    yuan    for    the   shopkeeper

ruturn    my    books    to    me