

The police in the big city were looking for a thief named Bill Cross.At last they caught him.When they were taking photos of him from the front from the left,from the right,with a hat,without a hat,he suddenly attacked(袭击) the police and ran off.The police tried to catch him,but he got away.A week later,the telephone rang in the police station(警察局),and somebody said,“You are looking for Bill Cross,aren’t you?Well,he went to Waterbridge an hour ago.”
Waterbridge was a small town 150 kilometers away from the city.The city police sent(送) four photos of the thief to the police in Waterbridge at once.
Not more than 12 hours later,they got a call from the police in Waterbridge.“We caught three of the men,” they said happily,“And we will catch the fourth this evening,we think.” But when the police were looking for Bill Cross everywhere,he slept in a hotel.
1.In the passage,"somebody" may be ______.
A.The police in Waterbridge
B.Someone in the city
C.The man taking photos
D.The thief himself

D. The thief himself