Your leading article on metastases in the liver (27 June,p 2078) has been read with interest,but
Your leading article on metastases in the liver (27 June,p 2078) has been read with interest,but
Your leading article on metastases in the
liver (27 June,p 2078) has been read with
interest,but a paragraph is missing regarding
peritoneoscopy.Not all patients with abdominal
cancers demonstrated by x-ray examination
should have peritoneoscopy,but some
patients who clinically suggest inoperability
will benefit greatly from it.
我充满兴趣的拜阅了您的关于肝脏同质蜕变主要文章(6.27 2078页),但是关于腹膜镜检法那个段落我不太认同.并不是所有经x光检查证明为肝癌的病人都需要进行腹膜镜检.但是临床检验确认的病人用腹膜镜检法就会获益良多了.