And one grest thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true .这


And one grest thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true .这
And one grest thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true .这些节目很重要的是它们给了人们一个能让他们的梦想实现的渠道.这个句子为什么是主从复和句.主从复和句是什么.

主从复合句简称复句.指在主句中,还有一个完整的从句存在.像本句,就是有表语从句.主句在哪儿子表语从句是哪个部分我说错了。这是主从复合句,就是从句包含在主句中。没有从句,主句就不完整了,这是复合句。这个句子的表语从句是that 后的部分。主句应当是整个句子。主句会包含那个表语从句是,去掉that 后的部分,这个句子就残缺了。