如何看出她至少是4年级?根据是什么?Apparently she decided to
如何看出她至少是4年级?根据是什么?Apparently she decided to
Apparently she decided to believe me.The first book was Dr.Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas ,not a hard book even for most third graders.
从for most third graders...看出.你可以详细点解释吗??我英语不太好翻译就是 “这本书甚至对三年级的孩子都不难”。言外之意就是说,这个人一定是比三年级大的学生。His possessive mother wants him to ring her 3 times a day at least to keep her informed of what he does at school .什么意思?如何翻译?其中句子中的ring 什么意思?如何理解?谢谢!我是英语小多!!! 真诚感谢!!!!!打电话的意思。 这句话的意思大概就是在说,“他占有欲很强的母亲让他一天给她打3次电话,好让她能随时知道他在学校一天都做了什么事。”谢谢!!!