七年级下册英语作业本(2)第19页答案sit study work cold write think go want great snowIt's 12 o'clock at night.It's _____and_______.So I'm _______ in bed with my computer .I'm_______a letter to my parents.They are in my hometown.They ask me in their letter:How is it_____?And I _____to tell them :It's_______and I'm very well .I'm_____about them,too.I'm now______English in London.Iwant to go to myhometown one day and______there.


sit study work cold write think go want great snow
It's 12 o'clock at night.It's _____and_______.So I'm _______ in bed with my computer .I'm_______a letter to my parents.They are in my hometown.They ask me in their letter:How is it_____?And I _____to tell them :It's_______and I'm very well .I'm_____about them,too.I'm now______English in London.Iwant to go to my
hometown one day and______there.


3 going 4 writing

snowing \ cold \ sitting\ writing\ going \ want \ great \ thinking \ study \ work