1The Statue of Library was a gift __ the United States __ the people of France in 1886


1The Statue of Library was a gift __ the United States __ the people of France in 1886
1The Statue of Library was a gift __ the United States __ the people of France in 1886
A to,from B for .from CC to,of D for,of
2People cutting is very popular __ those students
A for B of C among D at
3Lucy is a well-known professor with lots of __ teaching
A experience of B experiences of C experience in D experiences in
4 There are many __ regions in my hometown (mountain)
5 In addition =__ ___
6 He is short .He can't reach the shelf or the table
= He is too short reach __ the shelf __ on the table
7 at all= __ ___
8 What didi you think of= __ did you __?

a gift to A from B 一份来自于/由B送给A的礼物
be popular with/among sb 在...中颇受欢迎
experience in sth意思是“在...方面的经验”,为固定搭配
4.mountainous adj.多山的
mountainous regions 山区
5.in addition = what's more
6.He is short.He can't reach the shelf on the table.
= He is too short (to reach) the shelf on the table.
7.at all = on earth 到底