为什么在星期一的下午要写成on Monday afternoon,而不写成为什么on the Monday...为什么在星期一的下午要写成on Monday afternoon,而不写成为什么on the Monday afternoon,求详解


为什么在星期一的下午要写成on Monday afternoon,而不写成为什么on the Monday...
为什么在星期一的下午要写成on Monday afternoon,而不写成为什么on the Monday afternoon,求详解

1.在专有名词(国名、城市名、人名、路名)前不用冠词:Beijing is a beautiful city.
2.表泛指的不可数名词或复数名词前不用冠词:Snow is white and beautiful.
3.在球类运动、棋类和学科名词前不用冠词:Mr Zhang likes playing football and chess.
Today is Children's Day.
All the students have lunch at school.
注意:①中国传统节日前面一般加"the":the Mid-Autumn中秋节 the Spring Festival春节
②具体某年的季节前一般加"the":in the winter of 2009在2009年的冬天
③三餐饭前有形容词修饰时,可以用冠词:have a nice breakfast.吃一顿美味的早餐
5.在称呼语或表示头衔的职位名词前不用冠词:Mr Wang is from Australia.
6.名词前有"this,that,those,these,my,your,some"等词修饰时不用冠词:This is my best friend

在表示月\星期的名词前一般都不加the 在五月 就是 in May 而不是 in the may