. Computers were a great __________(invent) in the 0th century. 2. They were too tired1. Computers were a great __________(invent) in the 0th century.2. They were too tired to walk any __________(far).3. __________(bind) affects about 45 million people around the world.4. These __________(charity) have done a lot to help people in need.5. We are all __________(pride) of the success of Shenzhou VI.6. Do you mind __________(tell) me the secrets of your


. Computers were a great __________(invent) in the 0th century. 2. They were too tired
1. Computers were a great __________(invent) in the 0th century.
2. They were too tired to walk any __________(far).
3. __________(bind) affects about 45 million people around the world.
4. These __________(charity) have done a lot to help people in need.
5. We are all __________(pride) of the success of Shenzhou VI.
6. Do you mind __________(tell) me the secrets of your father?
7. The doctors are giving an __________(operate) on the poor boy.
8. The people in Africa have no money for medical __________(treat).
9. Are you used to __________(live) in the new t
10. We hope that everybody can send __________(donate) to ORBIS.
11. People there must be __________(gratefully) to the government for its help.
12. Do you know WTO is an international __________(organize)?
13. Maybe cancer(癌症) can be __________(cure) in the future.
14. By __________(improve) local doctors’ and nurses’ skills, we can help more people.
15. I won’t return the book because I __________(not finish) reading it.
16.It’s a long way,so it’s best for us to take turns_______ (drive).


肿瘤治疗需要一个积极的心态,只要积极的配合医生的治疗,早期的肿瘤是有可能治愈的。合肥凤凰肿瘤医院有一个癌症中医方面的老专家,您可以咨询下电话 ,祝您健康!~~

1.invention2.farther3.Binding4.charities5.prided6.telling7.operation8.treats9.live10.donations11.grateful12.organization13.cured14.improving15.don't finish16.driving