提一些英语问题It's twenty years he came to work in this school.A.that B.since 答案是B,为什没不选A?Stephen Hawking stressed to the interviews that his accomplishments would certainty have been achieved by others, A.never had he lived B.had he never lived C.he had never lived D.never had he lived为什么选B?这句话又如何翻译?Little i known when i took the trip where it could lead me.为什么用did不用had?He did not teach himself to paint he was in his twenties.这是一道填词题,我写的是before,答案是until ,不


提一些英语问题It's twenty years he came to work in this school.
A.that B.since 答案是B,为什没不选A?
Stephen Hawking stressed to the interviews that his accomplishments would certainty have been achieved by others,
A.never had he lived B.had he never lived C.he had never lived D.never had he lived为什么选B?这句话又如何翻译?
Little i known when i took the trip where it could lead me.为什么用did不用had?
He did not teach himself to paint he was in his twenties.
这是一道填词题,我写的是before,答案是until ,不知可不可以用before?
An idea suddenly floated into the weeping sailor's mind that he really an appetite for a peaceful life.为什么这道提填had而不是have?

1.如果选A的话,这句话就是一个强调句型,强调句型的一个判断有一个小窍门,去掉 it is和that,如果成分仍齐全,那么就是一个强调句型,这道题如果是强调句型,就是twenty years he came to work in this school.自然不完整。
2。这是一个虚拟语气,had he never lived 就是这句话的假设句。因为假设在过去,所以用的过去完成并将had 提前,这样翻译:Stephen Hawking 强调:如果他没有活下来的话,他的成就完全可以由别人取得。
3。Little i known when i took the trip where it could lead me.为什么用did不用had?不知道是题目有问题还是你不小心打错了,我觉得不应该是known,而应该是know. know的话,就选did了,little did i know应该可以算作一个固定搭配吧。
4。不可以。not until 是一个固定搭配,意为直到什么才。这样翻译:他知道二十岁才自学画画。

B.had he never lived
这是虚拟语气的省略形式,完整的是if he had never lived如果他没来到这个世上
He did not teach himself to paint he was in his twenties.
An idea suddenly floated into the weeping sailor's mind that he really an appetite

1.it's +时间段+since sb.did sth.自从……以来已经多长时间了 这是一个句型2.这是有关虚拟语气省略if的句子,在由if引导的虚拟语气句中,谓语动词有had,were,should时,可将if省略,并将had,were,should提前,此句原句为...