把下面的英语句子翻译和对句子的打括号部分提问,明天要交的作业,急.要翻译的: 1 Andy comes from China. 2His school is near Zhongshan Park. 3HE goes to school on foot. 4He visits his grandparents by plane 5Sometimes his father goes to work on foot要提问的:You can goto Zhong shan Park (by the No. 15 bus.)不好意思,我没多少分,求各位帮帮忙.


1 Andy comes from China.
2His school is near Zhongshan Park.
3HE goes to school on foot.
4He visits his grandparents by plane
5Sometimes his father goes to work on foot
You can goto Zhong shan Park (by the No. 15 bus.)

1.安妮来自于中国 2.他的学校在中山公园附近 3. 他步行去上学 4. 他坐飞机去看望他的祖父母 5.他的爸爸有时步行去上班
How can i get to zhong shan park?望采纳~

1 安妮来自中国
2 他的学校在中山公园附近
3 他步行上学
4 他乘飞机去看望他的爷爷奶奶
5 有时候他的父亲步行上班
How can I get to Zhong shan Park?