a driver was tired and stopped his car by a road side in the country to have a rest .He closed hisfell asleep A man came up and knocked at his window to ask the time .The driver opened his eyes and looked at his watch ''It's8.30''he said Then he closed his eyes again Soon another man knocked at the window and asked ''Sir,do you have the time?''The drive looked at the watch and told the man it was 8.50Because of that,he could not have a good rest so he


a driver was tired and stopped his car by a road side in the country to have a rest .He closed his
fell asleep A man came up and knocked at his window to ask the time .The driver opened his eyes and looked at his watch ''It's8.30''he said Then he closed his eyes again Soon another man knocked at the window and asked ''Sir,do you have the time?''The drive looked at the watch and told the man it was 8.50Because of that,he could not have a good rest so he wrote some words on a piece of paper and put bit on the window It said ''i have no watch ''Then he closed his eyes and went to sleep again A few minutes later a third man came over and saw the paper he knocked at the window loudly to wake up the driver ''her ,sir,''he said,''it's 9 o'clock now''.



