英语作文假如你是Tom,刚刚刚参加Tina的生日聚会,请你写一份简要的thank-you not


英语作文假如你是Tom,刚刚刚参加Tina的生日聚会,请你写一份简要的thank-you not

Dear Tina
the delicous food and the happy atmosphere best. There were so many kind, friendly and humorous people。when went back at 9pm because I have not finish my homework yet,

Dear Tina
Thank you very much for your birthday party and it was really very successful which I would never forget. I like the beautiful decoration, the delicous food and the happy atmosphere best. There were so many kind, friendly and humorous people。whenI went back at 9pm because I have not finish my homework yet

Dear TinaThank you very much for your birthday party and it was really very successful which I would never forget.I like the beautiful decoration,the delicous food and the happy atmosphere best.There ...

I had just joined Tina's birthday party,Tina also invite a lot of friends from our class.She received a lot of present today, she smiled so sweet.I bought her a necklace as her birthday present, she wore it once she get the present.This party ended at 10pm,most of my friends went back at 9.30pm because still have school tomorrow.I went back at 9pm because I have not finish my homework yet.