1.i meet 横线 横线 sandy and we do our homework together 横线上填介词或者是副词2.are they busy 横线 their housework all the time? 横线上填介词或者是副词3.we are looking forward 横线 a great day out. 横线上填介词或者是副词4.the price 横线 each ticket is 5 yuan.横线上填介词或者是副词拜托了,急


1.i meet 横线 横线 sandy and we do our homework together 横线上填介词或者是副词
2.are they busy 横线 their housework all the time? 横线上填介词或者是副词
3.we are looking forward 横线 a great day out. 横线上填介词或者是副词
4.the price 横线 each ticket is 5 yuan.横线上填介词或者是副词

1.这个是有两个横线吗,我不太会,不过如果是一个空,那填with .meet with sb 遇见某人
2.应用with,be busy with sth忙于做某事
3.应用to,look foward to doing sth 表示对什么期盼
4.应填 of,the price of 表示“什么的价格”